Socket housing

Part Number: 12527507529
Supersession(s): 12-52-7-507-529

Socket housing

Diagram High-pressure RAIL/INJECTOR/LINE for your BMW
Required: 6
135i Convertible
135i Coupe
325i Convertible
325i Coupe
325i Sedan
325i Wagon
325xi Coupe
325xi Sedan
325xi Wagon
330i Convertible
330i Coupe
330i Sedan
330i Wagon
330xi Coupe
330xi Sedan
330xi Wagon
335i Convertible
335i Coupe
335i Sedan
335i Wagon
335is Convertible
335is Coupe
335xi Coupe
335xi Sedan
335xi Wagon
523i Sedan
523i Wagon
525i Sedan
525i Wagon
525xi Sedan
525xi Wagon
528i Sedan
528i Wagon
530i Sedan
530i Wagon
530xi Sedan
530xi Wagon
535i Sedan
535xi Sedan
535xi Wagon
740i Automatic (N54) Sedan
740Li Automatic (N54) Sedan
M Coupé Coupe
X6 35iX (N54)
Z4 35i (N54) Convertible
Z4 35is (N54T) Convertible
Diagram Waterpump - Thermostat for your BMW
Required: 1
130i 5 Door
323i Sedan
323i Wagon
325i Sedan
325i Wagon
325xi Sedan
325xi Wagon
330i Convertible
330i Coupe
330i Sedan
330i Wagon
330xi Sedan
330xi Wagon
523i Sedan
523i Wagon
523Li Sedan
525i Sedan
525i Wagon
525Li Sedan
525xi Sedan
525xi Wagon
528i Sedan
528xi Sedan
530i Sedan
530i Wagon
530Li Sedan
530xi Sedan
530xi Wagon
730i Automatic (N52) Sedan
730Li Automatic (N52) Sedan
Z4 23i (N52N) Convertible
Z4 30i (N52N) Convertible


$ 7.90 CAD

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